- Once payment is received, we electronically file your returns.
- When the returns are accepted, usually in 24 hours, we'll text you and send you an email copy of your returns.
- The file you receive by email, with your returns, is simple to open and is emailed with secure information masked out.
- Receiving your copies by email SAVES in preparation fees (time, postage, paper, ink, etc.)
- There is a $25 fee for paper returns sent by US Mail
- Easy to print at home or your office.
- You can contact us at any time in the future if you need the file resent or additional copies.
- Delete the email and the file once you are done - no risks.
- You may receive your returns by email within 24-48 hours of completion.
- Returns sent (by Paper) by U.S. Mail put your personal information at RISK for which we aren't responsible.
- If you choose paper copies, they will be mailed to you within 10-14 days
- There is a $25 fee for paper returns sent by US Mail